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Library for interaction with component api and functionalities.


new(ref) : Component method

create new reference to the component by name, tag or uuid

find(payload Filters) : Pagination method

find the models inside the component using the filters

get(uuid) : Model method

get component model by uuid

update(uuid, data) : any method

create(data) : any method

create new component model with provided data

delete(uuid) : any method

delete component model by uuid

aggregate(payload) : any method

use MongoDB syntax for aggregation pipeline to get aggregated results

settings() : Settings method

get current settings of the component

saveSettings(data Settings) method

save current component settings

workflow(event, input) method

trigger custom event in the components workflow and provide custom input



    items: [],
    total: 0,
    pages: 0,
    page: 1


    currentPage: 1,
    perPage: 50,
    sortDesc: 1 || -1,
    filterOn: [],
    filter '',
    dateFrom: '2022-06-22',
    dateTo: '2023-06-22',
    dateField: 'created_at'
    $adv: Query
    $aggregate: Pipeline

